
newjersian flashback


roma-san pedro- roma - san pedro - pedregal- roma- san pedro - pedregal - san pedro...

ir y venir
as it would come and go if we were speaking in english
the never ending story of a pendulum and a curious cat
like any of your dreams that was once the most fabulous story and in a sudden nightmare might as well crumble into your most glutton state and wake up having what Stephen Candelino calls a
“one of those chicken fingers breakfast sandwich kind of mornings....know what I meannnn?????”
just to realize you’re going back again into reality
and so many shits that comes with being awake
good shits
bad ones too
and might as well go back into a anorexic state called juice fastening
but me personaly
always loyal to the tea parties
just because they are elegant when you know how to control the side effects of it
like dealing with impulses of wanting to eat yourself to death but realizing you are incapable of doing it after the 3rd chicken parm hero
if you do the math
easy just 2+2
3 chicken parm means 3 dinners eaten in one night
so for the next couple of days i’ll starve towards another kind of end
then it becomes a routinarily and boredom makes a grand entrance
i have an urge to reinvent myself
into a neurotic, schizophrenic not very new jersian person
an outsider just as being a elegant chundo has a harmonic duality
in a balanced state now discovered as the boredom decreases and the pendulum stops completely

I agree with agueda
St.evil should speak spanish